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A site about Godfrey Hounsfield

“Godfrey Hounsfield: intuitive genius of CT”  - A biography by Stephen Bates, Liz Beckmann, Adrian Thomas and Richard Waltham

Sleeve notes:

A mild mannered, pleasant but determined genius, Godfrey Hounsfield made a great breakthrough in medical imaging CT scans in 1972. His revolutionary method led to fast, pain-free and accurate diagnosis inside the human brain, and today it brings better health to people all over the world. Blood clots caused by strokes or falls or motor accidents are diagnosed and treated before causing irreversible damage. Tumours are located and assessed without exploratory surgery.

The man who pioneered this had no medical training. He left school with no qualifications, and he is one of the few Nobel Prize winners not to have learnt their skills at university. He was mostly self-taught and he thought in unusual ways, using pictures, analogies and intuition. He was a peaceful man, but his wartime years in the RAF, during which he became a radar instructor, were a major turning point, and this boy from a farm went on to change the world.

Godfrey Hounsfield believed strongly that science and engineering could improve life and health for ordinary people, and he wanted to pass on that enthusiasm to the next generation.

Buying the book

The book is available in hardback or paperback by ordering on-line from the publisher, the BIR. Links to visit the BIR website are at the bottom of the home page. If you prefer to type links rather than click on them, then type the following: http://bit.ly/WFy2uX

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First pages.pdf

Click to read pages from the biography:

First Pages,   Index, and extracts from  chapters  6,  8,  11